Saturday 23 April 2011

fantastic places-Racetrack Playa,USA

March 21st 2011

When I arrived in the hotel near Racetrack Playa, I was happy beacause they had airconditoning, I was sweating so much outside, when I got in my room in the hotel I just dropped off my bags and visited the mysterious Racetrack Playa, where stone move on their own, a lot of scientist argue on how the stones move, personally I think it's when the ground goes smooth and the 90mph wind slowly pushes them along.

March 22nd 2011

I asked the next day about weired ideas on how the stones move, and i got some pretty weired one's like, spirits of the dead moving them other people say it's aliens moving the stones from their spaceships.Went back to the hotel after that it's been a great trip I only had one wish, I wish i know what made the stones move.

Friday 22 April 2011

Fantastic Places-Deer Cave, malaysia

March 20th 2010

As I entered Deer Cave I took off my harness because I've been caving, and I imeadiately saw the guano (Bat poo) and it smelt sweet, not good sweet but weired kind of sweet, anyway a fact that the guide said was, there is about 3million bats in the massive cave, that explains the ground, also the ground was covered in cockroaches they eat the guano and anything else that fall to the ground so that makes them flesh eating roaches, even the bats themselves somtimes get eaten when they fall.

March 21st 2010

I came to Deer Cave, it hasnt changed it still smells weired!!, I went caving again it was great because there were a lot of space, nearly got hit by a bat! so cool.This was my last day so we just tried to go in to the ccave as far as we could, this was tourist season so there were a lot of us. 

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Fantastic Places-Forbidden City,China

March 14th 2009

I woke up in the hotel ready to walk around the Forbidden City, in the capital of china, Beijing.The Forbidden City used to be home of Emperors, there is two parts, the Imperial City where only high ranking officials live.It was probably pretty scary to go there because who ever goes into the Forbidden City even by accident they'll get killed, when I was looking at the houses and the courtyards I imagined the people who died there.I found a fact that China's old capital city was Nanjing, as I was walkin around it was quite hot I would suggest carrying a drink or an Ice Cream.I asked the people who worked there I asked someone how many rooms there are,the guy that I asked said "there are 9,999 rooms here!" anyway thought that was interesting, here's some pics that i took